Post-Workout Veggie Power


Spinach 🌿 and Spring Mix Leaves πŸƒ
Mushrooms πŸ„
2 Slices of Tomato πŸ…
1/2 Avocado
Whole Grain English Muffin


1. Heat olive oil over medium/low heat in a skillet.
2. Add mushrooms πŸ„ and broccoli to the hot oil. Cover skillet and cook for approximately 5-8 minutes.
3. Toast whole grain English muffin.
4. Place spinach and spring mix πŸƒ leaves, avocado, πŸ… tomato, πŸ„ mushrooms, and broccoli on top of  a slice of an English muffin. Salt to taste (optional).
5. Enjoy every bite!!! πŸ˜‹


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